Our popular ‘Own a Pony for a Day Experience’ is for adults looking for some much-needed me time at Thompson House Equestrian Centre. Do something just for you – rekindle your love of horses, or give something new a go. Reconnect with yourself through animals.
⭐ Learn grooming, preparing feeds, tacking up, mucking out
🐴 A chance to ride a pony included
⭐ Spend some quality time with a pony
🐴 Start to build a warm, positive relationship with them
🐴 Work as a team building friendships and connections with others
⭐ Includes a delicious lunch from The Stable Door Cafe & Ice Cream Parlour
Do something just for you. Experiences start from £50, block booking discounts are available. Use our online booking system to book and look at future dates – or feel free to call on 01257 472900 or e-mail info@thompsonhouseequestriancentre.co.uk
Fully licensed riding establishment: Licence AAL0128.