Unaffiliated Dressage competitions are back at Thompson House Equestrian Centre, our next event is in August.
Amateur Fun Championship Show – Sunday 27th August
£8 per class (prebooking only on our website thompsonhouseequestriancentre.co.uk). Places from 1st – 6th. Every entrant will receive a rosette.
Best Turned-Out rosette will be given to the smartest combination in each class.
Each combination awarded with a Best Conditioned rosette will be eligible for the Best Conditioned Championship in the evening performance.
All 1st and 2nd combinations will be eligible for their respective championships (please read the full schedule)
All Champions and Reserve Champions will be eligible for the Supreme Championship during the evening performance.
The outdoor arena will be split for working in.
Schedule for Classes (each £8)
Ring 1 – Ridden Classes (Outdoor) To Start at 9am
Judge – Elizabeth Green
Class 1 – Lead Rein Equitation –Sponsored by Intersect.co.uk
Age 9 and under. 12.2hh and under. Snaffle only. To be judged on the rider and horse combination. Teddy prize for each entry.
Class 2 – Open Lead Rein Equitation – Sponsored by KM Design & Build kmdesignandbuild@hotmail.co.uk
Not to enter class 1. Any age, any height. Snaffle only. To be judged on the rider and horse combination.
Class 3 – Walk and Trot – Sponsored by KM Design & Build kmdesignandbuild@hotmail.co.uk
May be split if sufficient entries into 14.2hh and under, 14.3hh and above.
Snaffle only, any age. To be judged on the rider and horse combination.
Beginners Equitation Championship – Sponsored by Ainscough Hire – Open to all 1st and 2nd place combinations in classes 1 to 3.
Class 4 (Not before 10.30am) – Equitation 12 and under – Sponsored by Aspull Rugby Club
Snaffle only, to be judged on the rider and horse combination.
Class 5 – Equitation 13 years – 17 years
Snaffle only, to be judged on the rider and horse combination.
Class 6 – Equitation 17 years -40 years
Snaffle only, to be judged on the rider and horse combination.
Class 7 – Golden Oldies Equitation, anyone over 40 years – Sponsored by IKO Group
Snaffle only, to be judged on the rider and horse combination.
Equitation Championship – Sponsored by DP Joinery – Open to all 1st and 2nd place combinations in classes 4 to 7.
Class 8 (not before 1pm) – Ridden Rescue Horse or pony – Sponsored by QiEquine
May be split if sufficient entries between prefixed (World Horse Welfare, ILPH, HAPPA ETC) and nonprefixed horses. To be judged on the horse’s story and transformation. Please bring with you a short paragraph of the horse’s story and some pictures of the horse upon rescuing.
Rescue Horse Championship – Sponsored by Marsden Crane Hire – Open to all 1st and 2nd placed combinations in classes 8 and 16
Class 9 – Ridden Horse or pony of solid colour In Memory of Whalley Victor Valentino.
May be split into height sections if sufficient entries. 14.2hh and under, and 14.3hh and over.
Class 10 – Ridden Coloured Horse or pony (to include spotted, dun, palomino).
May be split into height sections if sufficient entries. 14.2hh under, and 14.3hh and over
Coloured and Solid Colour Horse Championship – Sponsored by Marsden Crane Hire – open to 1st and 2nd placed combinations in classes 9, 10, 18 and 19.
Class 11 – Ridden Veteran Horse or pony– Sponsored by Vision Bus.
Open to all horses and ponies 16 years and over. Will be split into height sections if sufficient entries, 14.2hh and under, and 14.3hh and over.
Veteran Championship –Sponsored by Vision Bus– Open to all 1st and 2nd placed combinations in classes 11 and 20.
Ring 2 – In hand Classes (Indoor) To start at 9.30am
Judges – Hilary Keegan and Dianne Broadhurst
Class 12 – Child handler
Open to handlers aged 9 and under. Riding hat must be worn. Teddy prize for each entry.
Class 13 – Young handler
Open to handers aged 10 – 17. Riding hat must be worn.
Class 14 – Adult handler
Open to handlers aged 18 and over.
Handler Championship – Sponsored by Marsden Crane Hire – Open to all 1st and 2nd placed combinations in classes 12,13 and 14.
Class 15 (Not before 11am) – Best Local Horse or Pony Sponsored by Pony 2 Paw.
Rider/horse to be within a 10-mile radius of Thompson House Equestrian Centre. Maybe split if sufficient entries into 14.2hh and under, and 14.3hh and over.
Class 16 – Best Family Horse or Pony Sponsored by Heartfelt Horse.
Can be ridden or in hand, no show required.
Local Horse and Family Horse championship – Open to all 1st and 2nd placed combinations in classes 15 and 16.
Class 17 – In hand Rescue Horse or pony.
May be split if sufficient entries between prefixed (World Horse Welfare, ILPH, HAPPA ETC) and nonprefixed horses.
To be judged on the horse’s story and transformation. Please bring with you a short paragraph of the horses story and some pictures of the horse upon rescuing.
Class 18 (Not before 1pm) – In hand Horse or pony of solid colour
Will be split into height sections if sufficient entries, 14.2hh and under, and 14.3hh and over.
Class 19 – In hand Coloured Horse or pony (to include spotted, dun, palomino).
Will be split into height sections if sufficient entries, 14.2hh and under, and 14.3hh and over.
Class 20 – In hand Veteran Horse or pony – Sponsored by Vision Bus.
Open to all horses and ponies 16 years and over. Will be split into height sections if sufficient entries, 14.2hh and under, and 14.3hh and over.
Evening Performance (not before 4pm)
To take place in the indoor arena. Evening Performance attire can be worn but isn’t mandatory. Riding hats must be worn when mounted, no top hats.
A speech from our CEO, Caroline Tomlinson, about My Life (the charity we are fund raising for) and to thank all our competitors and supporters.
Raffle to be drawn before championship starts.
Best conditioned Championship – Open to all those given a “Best Conditioned” Rosette from the judge in their class. (Please wear the rosette to be eligible).
Supreme Championship – Sponsored by Croston Cycles – Open to all those placed Champion or Reserve in the section championships, including Best Conditioned Championship. (please wear the rosettes and sashes to be eligible)
Hello, Thanks for your interest in our dressage event. We apologies but we have reached maximum capacity for this event. We will be hosting more events throughout 2023 so please keep an eye on our Facebook!